April 7, 2020

Jerry's Blog: A Different Kind of Easter

Concern. Uncertainty. Worry. Anxiety. Uneasiness. Confusion. Fear.

Words for the pandemic? No doubt. But the same words could be used to describe Jesus’ followers when He was arrested and crucified.

Then all His disciples deserted Him and ran away.
Mark 14:50, NLT

Three days later, that ALL changed.

This Easter will be a different kind of Easter. But the message of Easter is needed more this year than ever! What a perfect time to share the message of trust, hope, promise, security, and confidence!

As always, we want you to invite your friends to our Easter service! We have planned for months, prayed fervently, and prepared to the best of our abilities. The service will be streamed on Facebook at 10:00am on Easter Sunday (or it can be viewed any time after 10:00am on Easter on Facebook or at theridge.org).

Here are three ways we are asking you to invite your friends who don’t attend another church:

1. Share the link to our Easter service on Facebook
2. Host a Facebook watch party
3. Send out a digital invitation

Go to theridge.org/Easter for information and instructions for all three of these.

People are looking for hope and security right now. That’s the message of the resurrection! Not only has there never been a better time to invite, but some might tune in online at home when they would not attend with you at church.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus from the dead. Now we live with great expectation.
1 Peter 1:3, NLT

Whatever it takes,
