The Guide to Every Decision You'll Ever Make in Your Entire Life
Spoiler Alert
The Struggle is Real
Why Church
Easter at The Ridge
The Week That Changed The World
Not-So-Super Heroes
Rated M
Christmas Day at The Ridge
Holly Jolly Twinkle Jingle
Piggy Banks and 401Ks
The Art Of...

Pretty lights that twinkle, carols that remind us of being a kid, presents, hot chocolate. The Christmas season is chocked full of these hopes for a holly, jolly, twinkly Christmas. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, sometimes we forget that holidays can be difficult. Or we make the jingly bells more important than the manger scene. This series will remind us, in the midst of all the holly jolly tinkle jingle of the season, that our main focus and affection can be on Jesus.

Light of the World - Tim Perkins

Prince of Peace - Adam Johnson

Santa Claus Theology - Reed Chapman

Cheerful Giver - Adam Johnson

Money Matters - Adam Johnson


The Art of Service - Adam Johnson

The Art of Worship - James Simonton