God With Us
Living in the Overflow of Gratitude
One Minute After You Die
Dangerous Prayers
Questions from Jesus
The Life of Paul
Easter at The Ridge - 2020
Vision-April 5
aka God
It's Impossible to Get to Heaven

The message of Christmas is that God is with us (Matthew 1:23)! Many of us need to hear that during the holiday season. We are never alone. God is with us in every moment; when we are hurting, anxious, or alone, but also when we are experiencing joy and celebrating. Perfectly suited for the Christmas season, “God With Us” (Immanuel) provides inspirational reminders of the impact of Christ’s birth.

In the New Year - Chris Bell

In the Valley - Jerry Day

On the Mountaintop - Adam Johnson

What happens to you when you die? While some find this unpleasant to think about, it is something that all of us consider. Additionally, most people have many questions about the after-life! This series addresses what the Bible says about the after-life and the questions we have about it.

Q & A - Adam & Jerry

Tired of playing it safe? This 6-week series will inspire us to pray boldly. To pray powerfully. To pray unselfishly. We will see how to pray prayers that search our souls, break our spirits, and send us in pursuit of God’s calling for our lives. Be warned: they are dangerous prayers. They are prayers of courage, not comfort. Prayers that test and challenge us. Prayers that cause us to take a long, hard look at our hearts. But prayers that move the heart of God and open the door for God’s blessings in our lives! “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16).

Speak to Me - Jerry Day

Make Me Bold - Adam Johnson

Send Me - Jerry Day

Search Me - Tim Perkins

Break Me - Adam Johnson

Not My Will - Jerry Day

We like, easy pat answers. Jesus rarely gave them. In the 4 Gospels, Jesus asked 307 questions! He loved to engage people by asking probing questions, and He often answered questions with a question. Jesus' questions were crafted to make us think about our lives in new ways. Taking the time to ponder His questions can lead us to discover new truth about God, life, and ourselves!

Who Touched Me? - Adam Johnson

Do You Love Me? - Adam Johnson

Why Are You Afraid? - Adam Johnson

Why would a first century Rabbi travel thousands of miles by land and by sea? What would cause this person to journey across the world only to be shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, and killed for his faith? What would cause the same man to write words like “love is patient,” “hope does not disappoint” and “in everything, give thanks?”

A call from God to follow Jesus Christ, and to turn the world upside-down. His life. His ministry. His message. This is the life of Paul.

Warriors Wanted - Jerry Day

Good News - Jerry Day

Most people desire deep, life-giving and long-lasting relationships. They can be really hard to find, and even harder to sustain. Whether it's a relationship with your spouse, parents, children, coworkers, friends, or a stranger on the street, it's true that successful relationships are a key component toward living the life we want to live. How do we find them? How do we keep them? This series focuses on what God is doing in every relationship we have.

#REALfriends - Adam Johnson

#audienceofOne - Jerry Day

#forgiveeverytime - Adam Johnson

#crockpotfamily - Adam Johnson

#conflict - Jerry Day

#leadourkids - Adam Johnson

#theone - Jerry Day

This Easter, we're talking about the most important question ever. Do you believe? Your answer to this question changes everything. What's your response? 

Who is God to you? Some of us view God as this unknowable and unapproachable thing up in the sky that doesn’t make much sense. Others of us would rather have a small, custom-built God who meets our emotional needs or suits our intellectual ideals. But our God is so much more. Creator. Provider. Lord. Throughout the Bible God shows us what kind of God He really is – and one way we can learn about God is by looking at the way God describes himself. And it’s beyond our wildest expectations.

Qanna - Adam Johnson

Jehovah Rapha - Jerry Day

Jehovah - Jerry Day

Jehovah Jireh - Adam Johnson

Elohim - Adam Johnson

Every video game you’ve ever played has a “restart” button – a chance to have a “do-over” and try again. Why can’t life be like that? Have you ever wanted to just hit “restart level”, and make some better decisions on your financial, physical, emotional health? Sure, we can’t actually turn back time, but we can try again.

The Bible gives us insight on how to rewind the clock and get a fresh start on the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we live. It reminds us that we’re never too far gone. We can refresh. We can get unstuck. We can restart.