For Their Future - One Year Celebration
My Past Has a Place
The Ornaments of Christmas
Thrive - We Were Made for More
I Am Jesus - Part 2
Fear Less
Father's Day
Sticks and Stones
18 Inches to Heaven
The Power of An Invitation

What is your favorite Christmas ornament? If you’re like many people, you have quite a collection of different personalized memories that come in different sizes, shapes, colors that hang proudly on your Christmas trees. What ornaments do you think God would hang on his Christmas tree? Join us for the weeks leading up to Christmas as we celebrate how God has decorated our lives with ornaments of his own for Christmas at The Ridge.

Peace on Earth - Adam Johnson

If we’re honest, many of us are just surviving. We stumble through our day from task to task, clamoring to get a step ahead, or at least not fall too far behind. We work hard, we try to take care of our families, and what little is left in our tank we turn our eyes to God and ask, “Is this it? This is what we were made for? To just barely keep it together?” And the response, sometimes just a whisper, comes. In Jesus, we have an opportunity to not just survive, but thrive. We were made for more.

Jesus. You’ve probably heard that name before. People say all sorts of things about Jesus... that He is the son of God… that He was a teacher… that He was just a good man… that He’s a fairy tale. But who does Jesus say that He is? We’ll look at who Jesus is through His own words and the roles that He fulfilled. Jesus is more significant than we could possibly imagine. That’s why it matters when He says “I am Jesus”.

I Am the Way - Jerry Day

I Am the Door - Jerry Day

We learn from a young age that sharing is caring. From the beginning we’re told to share our blocks and crayons. As adults we share our favorite restaurant spot… we share our favorite movie… or we share our favorite celebrity meme. We share the things we care about. Why is it, then, that it’s so difficult to share our faith? Join us as we look into what it means to share the most important thing, and the impact it could have on our community.

Share An Invite - Jerry Day

Share His Story - Adam Johnson

Sharing Your Story - Adam Johnson

Share Life - Jerry Day

Have you ever woken up in a cold sweat? Maybe a job isn't going well. Maybe that relationship is about to end. Maybe the pain won't go away, control is slipping away, and death feels a moment away. Fear can be a controlling force in our daily lives. What if, even in the midst of our greatest trials and troubles, something can overcome those insurmountable fears? Do not be afraid, because our hope is in Jesus.

Fear of Pain - Josh Crum

Fear of Rejection - Adam Johnson

Fear of Failure - Josh Crum

Fear of Death - Jerry Day

We all want things. A bigger house. A nicer car. A better ending to the final season of “Lost”. Problem is, we know at some level that they won’t be enough. We want more. We want the thing that will fill our lives, satisfy our souls and bring our lives meaning. The book of Colossians describes that thing: it’s Jesus. Jesus isn’t simply a good thing…he’s everything. He’s not a part of the solution…he’s the whole answer. Jesus is the only thing that is enough for us.

Upside Down - Jerry Day

Fashion Show - Josh Crum

Shadows - Adam Johnson

Secret Sauce - Josh Crum

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Well that’s not true… that’s not true at all. Words have power. They can encourage or support. They can communicate affection or appreciation. They can also wound or poison. Words carry more weight than we would like to believe. Our words impact the lives of those around us… whether that is positive or negative is up to us. Words matter… join us as we find out how.

Gossiping - Jerry Day

Complaining - Josh Crum

Criticism - Jerry Day

Lying - Josh Crum

Negative Self Talk - Adam Johnson

An extra large pizza. An American girl doll. The height of a chair.

They are all 18 inches.

Most people know the story of how God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth as a baby on Christmas, died on a cross on Good Friday, and rose from the dead on Easter.

But it’s more than knowing that. It has to become personal. The message of Easter is that a personal relationship with God is only 18 inches away. 18 inches to heaven! 

The Power of An Invitation