In a Nutshell

Creative. Thinker. Builder. Fixer. Quiet natured. Computer tinkerer. Auto racing watcher.

The Full Story

If it weren’t for God and The Ridge, I don’t know where I would be today. The church came alongside me at a time when I needed purpose and direction in my life. Through the young singles group and involvement in small building projects at the church, I realized God had a purpose for my gifts and abilities. When I was approached in my early 20’s about coming on staff, it was an easy decision. And, 20-plus years later, I’m still here.

What I Do

I do anything maintenance related around the church. If anything needs to be fixed or built, I figure out a way to make it happen. From building projects to any other maintenance related needs, I get a lot thrown at me on any given week. I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. I love what I do because I get to work with my hands and be used by God as a part of the body of the church.

Life Before The Ridge

Before working at The Ridge, I was an auto body repair technician.

Words I Live By

Take things to God. Trust Him. Take things one day at a time.

When I'm Not at Work, I…

…enjoy spending time with my wife and family. It’s important to me because one day they will be gone and it will be time missed.

Something that May Surprise You

I’ve never been able to smell things - good or bad.

Let's Keep In Touch

(812)376-8455, ext. 133