April 29, 2018

Top 5 Things I Appreciate about Mike Morrow

Jerry Day

(Staff Appreciation Series) Mike Morrow has been on staff at The Ridge for close to 30 years! He has served alongside me for all those years. At one time, Mike did not attend church. He was invited to play basketball in our gym at our old...


April 9, 2018

Ridge Reading Challenge: Devotional Mark 1:35

We live in a ridiculously busy world. Sometimes being busy makes me feel invigorated. When I have had a particularly hectic day and I feel like I killed it, I get in the car to go home and I’m like, “Yes! I rocked my job...


April 2, 2018

RRC: Do We Have to Submit to Governing Authorities?

Question: Romans 13 says that we should submit to governing authorities. But what if I don’t agree with their policies? What if I think their policies are not biblical? And what if I don’t respect their lifestyles or like their...


March 26, 2018

Ridge Reading Challenge: Devotional Romans 4-8

“What is the Gospel? The just and gracious God of the universe looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross and to show His power over sin in the...
