Declassified Holiday Survival Guide
Everyday Priorities
Goosebumps - A Not-So-Spooky Series on the Holy Spirit
Contributors in a Consumer World
Dinner with Jesus
The Solution for Everything
Easter at The Ridge - 2021
Vision-March 28
Stay Positive
Life is Complicated. Get it Right.

The holidays can be a really amazing time of family, friends, and celebration. It can also be a time we dread, spending time with people we love but have a really hard time liking or the reminder of what and who we've lost. This two-week series will speak to two areas we struggle with during the holidays, unmet expectations and grief. 

Grief - Tim Perkins

There are likely things in your life that look like normal, everyday items that subtly become the focus of our lives and our hearts. These unstable and unhealthy "gods" lead toward the reality of anxiety, greed, and emptiness as we seek approval, hope, and love from anything rather than God. These idols take the place of God, sitting on the throne of our hearts. This series will talk about the snares of these subtle idols, and how our focus should be on Christ alone.  1 John 5:21 - "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts."

Idolatry: Self - James Simonton

Idolatry: Family - Adam Johnson

Religious Idolatry - Adam Johnson

The Political Idol - Adam Johnson

Who or what is God’s Spirit? What does the term “Holy Spirit” mean? Why is He referred to as “the third person of the Trinity?” This series will answer your questions, explain who He is and what He does, and set you on a path to discover the amazing role He plays in your life if you are a follower of Jesus!

Made For This - Mark Malburg

The vision at The Ridge is to do whatever it takes to reach our community for Christ. We believe that God has prompted The Ridge to interact with people in a way that points them toward Jesus and encourages them to surrender everything to him. This series is based on Acts 1:8 and how we are called to do whatever it takes in our homes, in our church, in our community, and in our world. One of the biggest areas of impact is through financial giving, and this series will combine the importance of doing whatever it takes with the importance of generosity. We are generous because Jesus was generous with us. 

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to catch a meal with Jesus? It would be amazing to sit down with him over a slice at your favorite pizza joint to talk about your life, hopes, dreams. Jesus often used meals with unexpected guests to teach important lessons. He sat down with liars, cheats, prostitutes, rich and poor, outcasts and leaders alike. What would you learn if you got to sit down and have dinner with Jesus?

Sunset Dinner - David Johnson

How do we know if our relationship with Jesus is legit? We want the type of genuine faith that is put into action, producing real things in our lives, not a dead faith derived from dead people from centuries ago. This faith is the kind of faith that makes a difference. This summer, we’re going to talk about the type of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty type of faith that comes from a legit relationship with Jesus.

Living on a Prayer - Adam Johnson

True Faith Does Good - Adam Johnson

Tame Your Tongue - David Johnson

Be Content - Adam Johnson

When we’re pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand? In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends live out their faith by taking a stand.

Stand in Faith - Adam Johnson

Stand Strong - Adam Johnson

Stand Out - Tim Perkins

One word can sum up Christianity: grace. And grace is the solution for everything.

People were attracted to Jesus. Early Christianity was attractive. Why? Because of grace. Whether we realize it or not, grace is what we crave. It’s difficult to understand why everyone would not want Christianity to be true. This series helps us understand grace, as Jesus shows us what grace is (and is not) through His interactions with others.

Nothing is more attractive than grace. The solution for everything.

Grace Spreads - Adam Johnson

Grace Solves - Adam Johnson

Grace Supplies - Adam Johnson

One word can sum up Christianity: grace. And grace is the solution for everything.

People were attracted to Jesus. Early Christianity was attractive. Why? Because of grace. Whether we realize it or not, grace is what we crave. It’s difficult to understand why everyone would not want Christianity to be true. This series helps us understand grace, as Jesus shows us what grace is (and is not) through His interactions with others.

Nothing is more attractive than grace. The solution for everything.

Grace Saves - Adam Johnson

There’s no limit on hope. Because of our hope in God, we can discover a whole lot to smile about if we know where to look. This series will help us to live in the hope, and fight the urge for life to get us down. Stay joyful. Stay hopeful. And stay positive

Cynicism and negativity may be the easy choice, but they're not the best choice. If we seek what’s good, we’ll see what's good. This 3-week series will help us learn to be thankful and excited in spite of all the negativity we experience in this world. Weekly topics include hope/optimism, confidence in God, and encouragement.

Find Encouragement - Tim Perkins

Life is complicated. We don’t need to complicate it more with unwise decisions. How do you get it right? The Book of Proverbs tells us how to make life work. The advice from Proverbs has been tested for centuries and tells us how to put God’s wisdom into action!

Manage Money - Adam Johnson

Raise 'Em Right - Adam Johnson

Wisdom That Works - Adam Johnson

Words Have Power - Adam Johnson

Jerry's Retirement - Adam Johnson

Do Right - Jerry Day

Trust God - Adam Johnson

Choose Wisdom - Adam Johnson