April 15, 2022

Adam's Blog: A Good Friday

Adam Johnson

Good Friday is a big part of the Easter story, to be sure. It’s the day Jesus was crucified on a cross, and we can read in detail the words that were uttered and the pain he endured. I encourage you, right now, to go read Luke 23 in the...


March 29, 2022

Adam's Blog: A Quick Hiring Update

Adam Johnson

As many of you know, we have been looking to hire two pastoral staff positions: the Student Pastor and the Worship Pastor. I’ve been praying for both of our open positions that God would provide the right person in the right position...


February 1, 2022

Adam's Blog: Let's Talk About Barb

Adam Johnson

  In case you missed it, Barb Malburg retired from her position as Admin Assistant here at The Ridge after 16 years of serving in this role. Although she plans to continue helping in a volunteer role, her last official day with us in the...


November 23, 2021

Adam's Blog: Unmet Expectations

Adam Johnson

When we enter into the holidays, it's easy to get caught up in the expectations for that picturesque Instagram-worthy ideal gathering for our friends and family. Sometimes it turns out that way, but more often than not there is something that...
